Healix Demonstrates Hospital Avoidance with Provision of Outpatient Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT): A Leader in the Field for Over 30 Years

SUGAR LAND, TX – (July 9, 2020)

Healix Infusion Therapy, LLC has demonstrated success in achieving hospital avoidance when providing outpatient antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) to patients with serious infections through physician offices. Healix manages over 70 Infectious Disease physician office infusion centers (POICs) nationally and has conducted 15 collaborative outcomes-based research studies with documented evidence of hospital avoidance and significant cost savings to the health care system. In these Infectious Disease practices, patients are treated directly or through referral and seen quickly in the clinic for evaluation and management, rather than through admission to an emergency department and/or eventual hospital admission. Intravenous antimicrobial therapy can then be initiated in the office immediately upon physician assessment of need.

The unique POIC setting is staffed with a team of highly competent clinicians, both nurses and pharmacists with expertise in infusion therapy. Compounded intravenous antimicrobials are provided by on-site or centralized infusion pharmacists with experience in sterile products and Infectious Disease pharmacy. The antimicrobials are safely administered at home or in the office, all with Infectious Disease physician close supervision and management.

Overall, practices treat serious infections through the POIC.

A study in 2018 revealed that in over 10,000 patients treated, 42% had OPAT initiated directly from the POIC, completely avoiding hospitalization.1

This included serious infections, with additional detailed studies in treatment of bacteremia, bone and joint infections, CNS infections, complicated skin infections, endocarditis, and MRSA infections.2-7

In a study of 152 patients treated in the POICs with endocarditis, 57% avoided hospitalization entirely in treatment, with significant cost savings.6 Overall, 86% successfully completed therapy through the POIC.

In a geriatric study, 95% of patients >75 years of age treated with intravenous antimicrobials were able to successfully complete therapy through the POIC.8

Over 50% were treated directly through the POIC, avoiding any hospitalization. Hospital avoidance has substantially impacted cost savings to the health care system.

One study identified a savings of $1.5 million over 3 years in a single Infectious Disease practice by hospital avoidance of complicated skin infections and osteomyelitis.4

This evidence-based research demonstrates that OPAT provided through a POIC avoids hospitalization, with both positive clinical and financial impact.

About Healix Infusion Therapy, LLC
Healix is the nation’s leader in providing physician office-based infusion services. Focused on patient and physician peace of mind for 30 years, we offer unparalleled capabilities for optimal patient care, comfort, compliance, and clinical outcomes in an outpatient setting.


1 Van Anglen LJ; Hardin TC, Schroeder CP, et al. Infection Incidence and Utilization of Antimicrobials in Physician Office Infusion Centers (POICs). Open Forum Infectious Diseases; 2018; 5(1) Suppl, pg S704-S705, https://doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofy210.2020

2 Alvarado FS; Metzger BS, Mandel RM , et al. Low Hospital Admission Rates Following Physician Office Infusion Center (POIC)-Based Outpatient Treatment with Intravenous Antibiotics (IVABs). Open Forum Infectious Diseases; 2014; 1(1) Suppl, pg S215, https://doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofu052.471

3 Metzger BS; Adams JS, Bernett JR, et al. Outpatient Treatment and Recurrence of Prosthetic Joint Infection (PJI) Treated in Infectious Disease (ID) Physician Office Infusion Centers (POICs): A 2-Year Retrospective Multicenter Analysis. Open Forum Infectious Diseases; 2018; 5(1) Suppl, pg S126-S127, https://doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofy210.324

4 Prokesch RC, Van Anglen LJ, Sixt TN. Successful, Cost-Saving OPAT Therapy Initiated in a Physician Office Infusion Center (POIC) for Treatment of Osteomyelitis and Complicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections, a 3-Year Analysis. 49th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Disease Society of America, 2011. [Abstract, Poster]

5 Adams JS; Prokesch RC, Dretler RH, et al. Successful Management of Osteomyelitis in Infectious Disease Physician Office Infusion Centers (POICs). Open Forum Infectious Diseases; 2015; 2(1) Suppl, pg 1518, https://doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofv133.1071

6 Metzger BS; Mandel RM, Bernett JR, et al. Outpatient Treatment of Infective Endocarditis at Physician Office Infusion Centers (POICs): A 2-Year Analysis of Clinical and Economic Outcomes. Open Forum Infectious Diseases; 2016; 3(1) Suppl, pg 1120, https://doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofw172.823

7 Dretler RH; Luu Q, Prokesch RC, et al. Successful Early Discharge and Avoided Hospitalization for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infections Treated With Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy Result in Healthcare Cost Savings. Open Forum Infectious Diseases; 2016; 3(1) Suppl, pg 296, https://doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofw172.162

8 Van Anglen LJ; Mandel RM, Nathan RV, et al. Safety and Effectiveness of Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT) in the Aged Population. Open Forum Infectious Diseases; 2017; 4(1) Suppl, pg S331-332, https://doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofx163.785

Full Studies Available At: https://healix.net/outcomes-research/